Affiliate Agreements

Full disclosure: I add affiliate links to certain text and banner ads in posts on the Walking Slowly blog.

If you click a link or an ad and then purchase a product on that business’s website, I will get a commission from the purchase at no extra cost to you. If the link is to a product, such as in my onebag reviews, you can rest assured it’s a product I have tried and used myself.

Occasionally, a business might send me a sample to review. I will only recommend their product and participate in their affiliate program if I truly believe the product does what they claim it does and would be useful to my readers. I make sure companies know this upfront when they reach out to me, and I take my time using a product before reviewing it and adding an affiliate link.

I’m currently participating in the following affiliate programs:

Western Rise

This company makes great apparel for travelers who want to go from the mountain to the nightlife district without stopping home for a change. They sent me some products to review and I’m now a convert. I’m wearing my Evolution Pants as I type this right now. I earn a commission if you shop through my Western Rise links or banner ads.

My direct Western Rise affiliate link

Redbubble’s Curator Program

This program allows Redbubble artists to earn a little bit extra through an affiliate link to their products. I design minimalist prints inspired by my adventures outdoors and abroad for apparel like T-shirts and several other products. My branded banner ads on blog posts that say “Art Inspired By Travel” will take you to my Redbubble shop via my Curator Program link.

My direct Redbubble Curator link to my shop

Amazon Associates

For other gear in my onebag that I review, I will link to Amazon if it’s a product that I use and believe in. I’ll earn a commission on a purchase at no extra cost to you if you buy the product through my direct link or banner ads. My branded banner ads on blog posts that say “Get This Gear” will take you to the Amazon product page via my Amazon Associates link.

If you have any questions about my affiliate relationships, please feel free to reach out at: